Editor’s Note: Sheikh Muhammad Valsan discusses war metaphors as we find them in the world’s ancient wisdom traditions. The Sheikh argues that across these modalities we can interpret the act of war as a concerted effort to pray and utter revealed words to create peace in one’s heart and surroundings. He maintains that this image of universal appeal is referenced in the Bhagavad Gita, the Ancient Testament, the Bible, the Quran, and even Greek mythology as he advances that, in its highest and most truthful interpretations, the cosmic struggle takes place first and foremost within ourselves as human beings.

Born in Paris, Muhammad Valsan is the son of Michel Valsan (Sheikh Mustafa Abd al-Aziz) who was the first major interpreter of Ibn Arabi in the West. As director of the publication Science Sacrée, he pursues his father’s work and studies the universal expression of initiatory doctrines. Indeed, his teachings inscribe themselves within the legacy of René Guénon (Sheikh Abd al-Wahid Yahya) who remains an influential figure in the field of traditional studies. The principles of sacred texts are foundational when Sheikh Muhammad Valsan approaches applications in the arts and sciences—namely in architecture. Nowadays, he is involved in interreligious dialogues and takes part in many international conferences. As a beekeeper and breeder of purebred Arab horses, he also pays special attention to the symbolism of animals, especially in the Quran.
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Thanks for offering these kinds of amazing write-ups.
Thank you for sharing such a deep analysis through this beautiful work. Waiting for more!
Wonderful! Important someone shed light on the subject matter. Allissa Jacky Saloma