
Land of prophets, sahabas, and holy sites

Jesus Christ’s Baptismal Site

Moses & Mount Nebo

Nabi Harun (a.s.)

Zaid ibn Harithah (r.a.)

Jaafar ibn Abi Talib (r.a.)

Abdullah ibn Rawahah (r.a.)

Dirar ibn Azwar (r.a.)

Muadh ibn Jabal (r.a.)

Amir ibn Abi Waqqas (r.a.)

Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah (r.a.)

Shurahbil ibn Hasana (r.a.)

Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf (r.a.)

Bilal ibn Rabah (r.a.)

Nabi Shuaib (a.s.)

Nabi Yusha (a.s.)

Saint George

Nabi Hud (a.s.)

Al-Harith ibn Umayr al-Azadi (r.a.)

Moses’s Spring

Nabi Jadur (a.s.)

John the Baptist

Ashab al-Kahf a.k.a. Cave of the Seven Sleepers

Nabi Ayub (a.s.)

Nabi Hazzir (a.s.)

Lot (Prophet)

Nabi Nuh (a.s.)

Muhammad (s.) & The Blessing Tree

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Any other holy site or update (e.g. on opening hours) that would be nice to add? Shoot us a message at the email address below. Let’s keep these spiritual maps fresh and relevant at all times! 😉